NSC 2382 : Independent Generation and Reactivity of Thymidine Radical Cations
AM 095 : Cardiovascular outcomes, bleeding risk, and achieved blood pressure in patients on long-term anticoagulation with the thrombin antagonist dabigatran or warfarin: data from the RE-LY trial
Tetrazolium Red : Irradiation with red light-emitting diode enhances proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of periodontal ligament stem cells
SU056 : Degenerate consensus sequences in the 3′-untranslated regions of cellular mRNAs as specific motifs potentially involved in the YB-1-mediated packaging of these mRNAs
Erlotinib: Clinical Relevance of EGFR- or KRAS-mutated Subclones in Patients With Advanced Nonesmall-cell Lung Cancer Receiving Erlotinib in a French Prospective Cohort (IFCT ERMETIC2 Cohort – Part 2)
SBE-β-CD: The effect of cyclodextrin complexation on the solubility and photostability of nerolidol as pure compound and as main constituent of cabreuva essential oil
CTPI-2 : Inhibition of mitochondrial citrate shuttle alleviates metabolic syndromes induced by high-fat diet
KN-62 : Requirement for PLCg2 in IL-3 and GM-CSF-Stimulated MEK/ERK Phosphorylation in Murine and Human Hematopoietic Stem/ Progenitor Cells
Hexamethonium Dibromide : Further casbane-type diterpenes from the soft coral Sinularia depressa